This committee strives to plan and provide faith formational education and spiritual enrichment at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to help all parishioners to grow--from the cradle to the grave.
Share prayer and fellowship with other men of the parish on the First Saturday of each month at 8 am in Church.
Offers children, 4-year-olds through 4th grade, a liturgical experience appropriate for their developmental level in a separate space during the Liturgy of The Word. Available at 9 am and Noon Masses.
Classes in the Catholic Faith for children in grades K-7 on Sundays 10:00-11:30 pm; Grade 8, confirmation year, on Sundays at 6 pm; Grades 9-12 on Sundays at 6 pm.
RCIA is the process for welcoming and initiating adults to full communion in the Catholic Church. Also, adults wanting to learn more about their Catholic faith are welcomed to join as well. Classes meet on Tuesdays at 7 pm beginning in mid-September and end after the Easter Vigil.
A summer bible school experience for kindergarten through sixth grade. Adult and youth (7th grade and above) volunteers are needed for teaching, crafts, games, refreshments, music and bible story activities.Coordinates annual appeal from the Archbishop
The youth ministry program is an active part of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Community that works to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person by offering gathered and non-gathered programming in evangelization, catechesis, and service. We strive to be a total youth ministry program that brings youth to the recognition of God's presence in their lives.