Providing a fitting environment for our worship is a year-round project. All parishioners are invited to take part, by sharing ideas, and by helping to create that environment. Your help would be most welcome. Watch the bulletin for planning times and decorating times, and please join us!
Share prayer and fellowship with other men of the parish on the First Saturday of each month at 8 am in Church.
Extraordinary Ministers of The Eucharist assist in distributing Holy Communion at Mass. They may also volunteer to take Holy Communion to those who are homebound or sick and cannot come to Church. Ministers visit the people who live at Wesley Manor Retirement Home. Our Pastor also celebrates Mass the second Thursday of the month in the Wesley Manor Chapel at 10:00 am. Please call the Parish Office at 969-0004, if you are interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of The Eucharist.
Offers children, 4-year-olds through 4th grade, a liturgical experience appropriate for their developmental level in a separate space during the Liturgy of The Word. Available at 9 am and Noon Masses.
Classes in the Catholic Faith for children in grades K-7 on Sundays 10:00-11:30 pm; Grade 8, confirmation year, on Sundays at 10:00-11:30 am; Grades 9-12 on alternating Sundays at 6 pm.
Lectors are ministers who proclaim God's Word during Liturgies. Adults and high school youth are encouraged to share with the Community as lectors. Training and workbooks are provided. Please call the Parish Office @ 969-0004 if you are interested.
RCIA is the process for welcoming and initiating adults to full communion in the Catholic Church. Also, adults wanting to learn more about their Catholic faith are welcomed to join as well. Classes meet on Tuesdays at 7 pm beginning in mid-September and end after the Easter Vigil.
A summer bible school experience for kindergarten through sixth grade. Adult and youth (7th grade and above) volunteers are needed for teaching, crafts, games, refreshments, music and bible story activities.
Ensures everyone and everything involved is in place for the weekend liturgies.
Young people are encouraged to participate in a special way by serving as Ministers of the Altar (Servers), who assist Father at Mass. Servers can be male or female, 4th grade through adult. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 969-0004. Training is provided.
The youth ministry program is an active part of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Community that works to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person by offering gathered and non-gathered programming in evangelization, catechesis, and service. We strive to be a total youth ministry program that brings youth to the recognition of God's presence in their lives.
Parishioners greet visitors and each other at the door, hand out songbooks, help find seats for people, take up the collection, and in general, make everyone feel at home. This ministry is open to all members of the Parish. If you see a place you can help out, please join in! Call the Parish Office if you would like to be on the schedule.
Strives to raise consciousness about social justice issues and to provide the parish with opportunities to be actively involved in civic, church and world arenas. Parishioners offer help to those less fortunate through the Christmas Help Program by providing needy families in our area with Christmas gifts and food; donating food items for the local Food Pantry; giving the gift of life and time at regularly sponsored Blood Drives; and by giving of treasure and talent to the H.O.S.T. Society (Helping Others Strengthen Themselves) to provide financial and basic home needs assistance to families in our area.
Some parishioners share their talents by leading the songs during the Liturgy as Cantors, or as members of the Choir. Our Director of Music Ministry leads Adult Choirs for men and ladies - no need to read music, she'll teach you! New members are always welcome! Choir practice is every week on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in church. We are always looking for musicians to help at Liturgies. For more info call the Parish Office at 969-0004.
While we as Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of those who have died, we also miss them and grieve their loss to us. We try to help each other work through these difficult times. Our Parish is blessed with a Bereavement Committee whose members seek to offer comfort to those who have lost loved ones through death. Families, at times, use the meeting room after the funeral to gather for a meal together. Parish members provide the food, serve and clean up afterwards. Some parishioners are able to visit the family either at home or at the funeral home, send cards, and offer special prayers for the family. If you would like to be a part of this special group, please call Brenda Kelting.
In devotion to the Blessed Mother, the Rosary is led every Tuesday @ 7pm in Church during the months of May and October.
Are led during Lent on Fridays at 7 pm and at noon on Good Friday
Volunteer teams who count the weekend Mass collection and prepare the bank deposit each week on the morning of the next business day. Teams are scheduled on a rotating basis.
Monthly Fish Fries are held on the second Friday of the month with the exception of June, July, August and December from 4:00 to 7:00 pm in the Seton gym..
Members oversee the budget and fiscal planning for the parish and advise the pastor and Parish Council on major expenditures. The committee meets bi-monthly.
Held throughout the year. Parishioners are asked to help out by selling chances, donating items and volunteering.
Members are a consultative body to the Pastor. The council is comprised of the Pastor, five committee chairs, and nine parishioners selected from the parish. Council meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday.
All seniors, 55 plus or minus, are invited to enjoy monthly fellowship and various activities, such as pot luck lunches, Day at the Races, Derby Dinner Playhouse, etc.) Seton Seniors meet the fourth Thursday of the month at 12 noon. Special activities and changes in date or time are placed in the bulletin and announced before Masses.