God has given all of us many gifts to share with one another. Here at St. Elizabeth Seton, we participate together as stewards, sharing our gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure to return to the Lord a portion of what He has given to us.
Each of us in our own way tries to return to God a portion of His gifts by tithing a percentage of the Treasure given to us. The Bible suggests a tithe of 10% which can serve as a guide to planning your giving, perhaps 5% be given to Church and 5% to a favorite charity. The Archdiocese sponsors the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA), among others.
Our gifts of Time and Talent are uniquely our own. The Stewardship of our Talents calls us to discover and grow in our own giftedness. As stewards, God calls us to reflect on these special gifts and to share with Him and with others our very selves. There are many opportunities mentioned in this brochure that can help you decide how you would like to share your gifts.
An Intention form is available for your family. All members of your family are invited to share their gifts. This form expresses your Faith decision to return a portion of your gifts to God. It also provides the Parish with a valuable tool to plan the annual budget for Parish ministries and services, and gives an indicator of our interests. Please drop it in the collection basket next Sunday. Thank you for sharing your gifts!