This committee coordinates and reports to the Parish Council on events and opportunities of service in the life of the Parish.
While we as Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of those who have died, we also miss them and grieve their loss to us. We try to help each other work through these difficult times. Our Parish is blessed with a Bereavement Committee whose members seek to offer comfort to those who have lost loved ones through death. Families, at times, use the meeting room after the funeral to gather for a meal together. Parish members provide the food, serve and clean up afterwards. Some parishioners are able to visit the family either at home or at the funeral home, send cards, and offer special prayers for the family.
Monthly Fish Fries are held on the second Friday of the month with the exception of June, July, August and December from 4:00 to 7:00 pm in the Seton gym. During Lent Fish Fries are held every week from the first Friday of Lent until the Friday before Good Friday. There is no fish fry on Good Friday.
Various fundraising activities are held throughout the year. Parishioners are asked to volunteer to wherever needed.
All seniors, 55 plus or minus, are invited to enjoy monthly fellowship and various activities, such as pot luck lunches, Day at the Races, Derby Dinner Playhouse, etc.) Seton Seniors meet the fourth Thursday of the month at 12 noon. Special activities and changes in date or time are placed in the bulletin and announced before Masses.
Sends cards to parishioners who are ill or who have lost a loved one.
Visit sick parishioners in hospitals, nursing homes, or their home.
Help the Parish Staff in preparing parish-wide mailings.
Help plan, set-up, serve, and clean-up for Parish celebrations